Upon reading social media content, I learned there are a lot of complaints of stylist turning clients away because they don’t know how to do 4c (the kinky-est, coily-est) hair textures; but who’s fault is that? The issue is that many cosmetology schools (including the one I attended, but not going to throw shade or put any particular school on blast,) don’t teach their students how to do ethnic hair. The practice mannequins have thin, fine hair and you’re only taught the basics of relaxing, dying, etc. The clients then begin to question the student, as to how you’re a stylist, but can’t do 4c hair? What are your thoughts and views on this ladies and gents? How do you feel when you’re turned away due to lack of knowledge of your hair type? What other concerns do you have when going to a stylist? We’re highly interested, so comment below and let your fellow readers know!